“Can I buy you a drink?”
This is a common enough question among business world colleagues, but one that places Apostolics in a unique position. Such challenges offer opportunities to be a light in this dark world. Let’s consider the impact a godly businessperson can make in an ungodly world.
Challenge: A scenario that runs counter to godly beliefs and morals.
Opportunity: A moment to lead others toward a better life.
When working in the trades or professional business world, an Apostolic daily faces ungodly words and actions. Cussing, lying, stealing, bribery, harassment, inappropriate sexual approaches, and more can send a shiver through one’s godly spirit. The prophet Daniel and his friends met such a challenge by living their convictions. God blessed their choices with health and wellness.
Through thoughtful prayer, Apostolics can address similar challenges. They live by godly convictions, walk away from sinful situations, and exhibit Fruit of the Spirit. Like Daniel, they can be leaders with a positive effect on the king (their superiors) and the country (their workplace).
Challenge: A request to stand for, act, or speak on an ungodly topic.
Opportunity: A moment to trust and have faith in God’s will affecting the circumstances.
Every godly businessperson encounters a topic contrary to God’s will. Perhaps they are instructed to fudge the revenue numbers in a financial report. Or the company requests volunteers to support a cause that goes against God’s Word. Maybe an outright demand requires joining sinful actions. Joseph had an answer when challenged to sin, “How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:9). It may seem Joseph’s response reaped terrible consequences, but the Lord blessed him with an amazing position and role–one that saved his family, adopted country, and the world.
Through trust and faith in God’s will, Apostolics can shun wickedness in the workplace. When possible, step away from temptation. But know that Jesus is there to help when wickedness comes stalking. Remember this, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord” (Psalm 37:23). Like Joseph, the situation may be part of God’s will and opportunity to impact others.
Challenge: An evil circumstance challenging the love of God and His people.
Opportunity: A moment to confront evil and see God change it for good.
It might be a small circumstance–a co-worker posts inappropriate pictures in the work area. It might be earth-shaking–an audit discovery of embezzlement and corruption. Esther faced a defining moment in her life–one that required her godly principles and example. She understood the risk. She found support among God’s people as she prayed and fasted. This gave her courage and humility to confront evil. Through her actions, God brought salvation to the Jewish nation.
With courage and humility, Apostolics can confront evil that destroys co-workers and their families. Through prayer and fasting, we can find strength “for such a time as this.” Through godly support, we can be a catalyst for salvation in our nation.
The Apostolic Chamber of Commerce is one way to help godly businesspeople in an ungodly world. Together we are a light for Jesus. Together we can make a difference for companies and clients. Let’s be godly and help advance God’s kingdom.
By Krisann Durnford, Apostolic Chamber of Commerce Team