Legal Association

I’m excited to be a part of the now-forming Apostolic Legal Association. We had a kickoff meeting at General Conference in Indianapolis, where Bro. Bernard addressed us and helped us cast the vision. The goals are:
- Networking
- Continuing Education
- Referrals
- Kingdom Support (churches and/or districts)
The inaugural board is:
Chair | Eric Morley |
Chair-Elect | Stan Plappert |
Past-Chair | JJ Vincent |
Executive Director/Secretary | John Darby |
Director At Large | Stan Plappert |
Director At Large | Leah Cherise Herras |
Director At Large | Robert Rodenbush |
Membership Chair | Nicole Jones |
Ex-Officio | David K. Bernard |
Ex-Officio | Art Hodges |
There are several ways you can get involved:
- JOIN – you can do that HERE
- Forward this to any lawyers, law students, paralegals and/any other legal professionals
- Reach out to Board members and help us build something amazing
In 2022, we became an Endorsed Ministry of the UPCI.
Eric Morley
Chair, Apostolic Legal Association